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Treatment for Hiccups: Tips from Dr. Anup Patki

Hiccups can be a nuisance, but they’re usually harmless and go away on their own. However, if they persist for more than 48 hours, it’s time to see a doctor. Dr. Anup Patki, a General and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Surat, shares his tips for treating hiccups.

What causes hiccups?

Hiccups are caused by involuntary contractions of the diaphragm muscle. This can be triggered by a variety of things, including:

  • Eating too quickly
  • Drinking carbonated beverages
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Emotional stress
  • Swallowing air
  • Smoking

How can hiccups be treated?

There are many home remedies for treating hiccups, including:

  • Holding your breath for a few seconds
  • Drinking a glass of water quickly
  • Swallowing a teaspoon of sugar
  • Gargling with ice water
  • Breathing into a paper bag

If these remedies don’t work, Dr. Patki recommends seeking medical attention. Your doctor may prescribe medications such as chlorpromazine or metoclopramide to treat persistent hiccups.

When should you see a doctor?

If your hiccups persist for more than 48 hours, it’s time to see a doctor. This could be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), pneumonia, or even cancer.


Hiccups can be annoying, but they’re usually nothing to worry about. If your hiccups persist for more than 48 hours, seek medical attention. Dr. Anup Patki recommends trying home remedies first, but if those don’t work, medications may be necessary.


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